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Darcy Donavan Interview with Tickets Move Magazine

Reel Vision Entertainment

Interview with the Sensational Darcy Donavan!

Darcy Donavan is ready to take her fans with surprise by releasing her new single right before her birthday the Nov 20th. Her new song, “It’s My Life”, along with its featured video will be available for Darcy’s fans on iTunes, Napster, CD Baby, and Reverbnation. Well, this is not all! Good news for her fans is that they will witness this shining, talented, and amazingly beautiful starlet in an upcoming Television Series names as “Beverly Hills Heat”. Fasten your seat belts and get ready for some great action as the FBI agent, Darcy, will not be sparing anyone this time. What do you want to see more of her? Ok! She is part of a couple of more movies coming out soon. “The Final Table” is an action packed thriller and a must watch, so don’t miss out on that!

In an Exclusive Interview with TicketsMove, Darcy Donavan talks about her upcoming projects and so much more.

1.       Being a singer/actress puts you in a list of big names like Whitney Houston and Beyonce Knowles. Did you always aspire to be a singer/actress or did one just naturally follow the other? That is a very good question. I was always singing and dancing at a very young age and I would create and put on shows for my family any chance that I could get, (I would even charge them ticket admissions) LOL! LOL! I really loved performing and entertaining the people around me.  My mom always said I was a big “ham”.

I will be dropping a brand new single “It’s My Life” right before my birthday Nov.20th and Thanksgiving. This is an exclusive interview since you are the first people that I have told!To be honest, I feel that being an entertainer is something you are born with, you either have an innate passion for it or you don’t. For example, some people can naturally draw well, (which I surely can’t hahaha). Singing and acting were just talents that I was born with, natural abilities inside of me. Thinking about it now, it doesn’t seem like one came before the other. They were both synonymous with one another. I started singing as a child, but I was also cast in my first acting role at the age of 8 so my talents really developed at the same time. If you ask me which I prefer, singing or acting, I could not give you a solid answer, since I love them both. I always give the analogy of, if you gave birth to twins who do you love more? It’s the same way I feel about my acting and music career, they are both my babies and I love them equally.

2.       Does the fact that you’re a singer help when you’re acting and vice versa? As an actress and a singer, I do think that I have an advantage over someone who only does one or the other. Since there is the natural ability to express yourself in front of others and really put yourself out there, it helps a lot with the confidence factor. Whether I am on stage in front of thousands of fans or on set in front of dozens of cast and crew, I am comfortable being there and doing my thing. I think doing both helps since I never really get too nervous, my Mom said I was always like a fish in water on stage or on set and she couldn’t shut me up. LOL!

3.       How do you manage your time between writing music and acting? Do you have a system? I am working on an action/suspense thriller film, “The Final Table”. I am also preparing to star in a new television series called “Beverly Hills Heat” which I am starring as an FBI agent. I am very excited about the role and I have to brush up on my gun control skills. Watch Out Hollywood!Oh, let me tell ya, DO I HAVE A SYSTEM… LOL! You have to be EXTREMELY organized to be able to do what I am doing. I always have to have great time management and proper scheduling to be able to fit everything in. I have several organizing systems that I have in place and I have a fabulous manager as well as a phenomenal assistant who is my right hand woman. I am busy every day, so I have to run everything like a well-oiled machine. Since I have so much going on all the time, including family, friends, fans, birthdays, holidays and more, I have to be on my A-game at all times.

4.       Let’s go back a bit. Tell us about the first time you realized you were famous. How did that happen and how did it feel? When I was first starting out and really making a name for myself, I did a big music show in Nashville, TN. After the show, my manager had set me up for a meet and greet. I literally walked into a horde of people that were screaming and shouting my name. It was surreal. Young girls were crying and all eyes were on me. I was a little taken back and it really blew my mind at the time. Overall though, it really meant a lot to me to have all that love and support and it touched my heart. To this day, I will always go out of my way to go above and beyond for all of my fans. I truly love and appreciate them and am so thankful to have them backing me up and cheering me on.

5.       What are some of the challenges you had to face at the start of your career? How did you overcome these? I have to say that the road to my success wasn’t an easy one. As a young girl, I had the talent, but I didn’t have the luxury of having rich parents to get me through the door. (There can be a lot of nepotism in the business). I had to really work my way from the ground up. It was difficult watching a lot of others get ahead quickly because of who their daddy or uncle was or even who they were dating, and that was a harsh reality for me. But overall, I really wanted it, so I went after my dreams no matter the cost. I am entirely self-made. Everything I have in life I earned all on my own. No one gave it to me and I also didn’t go around asking for free handouts either. I let my tenacity and ambition speak for itself.

6.       Let’s have some name-dropping. Who have you most enjoyed working with so far in your career? There are a lot of people I have enjoyed working with in my career, so honestly that is a long list. I have worked with amazing directors and producers as well as wonderful music producers and other A-list and non A-list actors. To narrow it down would be very difficult. I feel like when I name a few people in this interview, there may be twenty other people asking me “Why didn’t you say my name?” LOL! LOL! I honestly have enjoyed working on every single project I was a part of, and my favorite? I’ll just have to keep that one a secret for now. LOL!

7.       Your social media endeavors (Facebook and Twitter) are very successful, what do you think is the secret to success online? Honestly, the secret to success online is easy. Make your fans a priority! You have to really love your fans, and give them all the attention that they deserve. A lot of famous celebrities just don’t care about their fans and that is really sad. I spend every extra moment of my day commenting and connecting with my fans. I see my fans as family, and I love and adore them. If I am having a bad day, I go online and by reading the thoughtful and sweet comments from my fans it warms my heart and I am instantly happy again. We are there for one another. I lovingly refer to my fans as my “Little Family” or my “Donafans”.

8.       Apart from singing and acting, you’re a very active entrepreneur and philanthropist, please tell us a bit about your work in these fields.  Let’s see, how long do you have again? LOL! Being an entrepreneur, I have projects that I have produced, written and created that have been extremely successful. I think that because I am an A-type personality, this helps me to get ahead. I do not like to sit still. Even when I am sitting still, people that truly know me say they can tell my mind is going a million miles an hour! LOL! LOL!  I constantly am working or doing something. If I am not writing a screenplay, producing or starring in a film, creating new music, writing my book, traveling or working on merchandising, I will always be thinking of new projects and brainstorming new ideas. I spend every extra moment of my day commenting and connecting with my fans. I see my fans as family, and I love and adore them……… I lovingly refer to my fans as my “Little Family” or my “Donafans”.In regards to philanthropy and my charities, I like to put my all into every one and give 100% effort or more to help in any way I can. All the charities that I am a part of are very close to my heart. From animal charities, dog and horse rescue shelters, domestic violence awareness, diabetes & ASL charities, children’s charities, to anti-bulling campaigns, I like to donate in any way that I can. I feel like you should always give to others that are in need or less fortunate, and I love doing it. My Momma always said, “You should give because you want to give and not expect anything in return”. I give from my heart and am happy to be able to make a difference in the lives of those around me.

9.   Please tell us a little about your upcoming TV and film projects. Right now I am wrapping up a film project and getting ready for several others. Also, I am happy to announce that the movie that I starred in “The Plumber” is going to be released at the end of the month. YAY! “The Plumber” is available on Moviemaze (the world’s first interactive movie app) that you can download on iTunes and Android Markets. If you ask me which I prefer, singing or acting, I could not give you a solid answer, since I love them both. I always give the analogy of, if you gave birth to twins who do you love more?

One of the next projects I am working on an action/suspense thriller film, “The Final Table”. I get to play the role of a poker champion so I am really looking forward to that since I LOVE poker. I am also preparing to star in a new television series called “Beverly Hills Heat” which I am starring as an FBI agent. I am very excited about the role and I have to brush up on my gun control skills. Watch Out Hollywood!

10.   Where can fans expect to hear your music live in the coming months? Currently I have been writing and recording several new songs with some amazing music producers. I will be dropping a brand new single “It’s My Life” right before my birthday Nov.20th and Thanksgiving. (This is an exclusive interview since you are the first people that I have told!););) The song will feature a new music video as well as be available for download on iTunes, Napster, CD Baby and Reverbnation. It’s a great track and I am really excited about it. I am also scheduled for several shows in Arizona. I am looking forward to sharing my new music with all of my fans and supporters.

11. Do you have any message for your fans and people who aspire to be like you? I feel that you should always “be yourself”. That said I believe that you can consistently strive for self-improvement. You can always evolve and get better. I like to motivate those around me to be the best that they can be. Everywhere I go people are like “Darcy, you should be a football coach”, since I never let anyone settle for less than their best. Other than that, I am a very spiritual person. Every day I do a devotional with my team members, dancers or staff. I always make sure to give time to God. I feel that God is always trying to mold us to make us better, I am by no means perfect, and so as long as you are striving to be a better person then I think you are on the right track.

12.   Who is your favorite athlete? Which team do you cheer for? Wow, that’s a tough one. I am a big Miami Dolphins fan since I was born there, so I’d have to say that my allegiance goes there first, BUT a strong runner up would have to be my beloved Tennessee Titans! Nashville is my hometown so I have to send them some love. LOL! I literally walked into a horde of people that were screaming and shouting my name. It was surreal. Young girls were crying and all eyes were on me. I was a little taken back and it really blew my mind!In terms of individual players though, I have my favorite players but I don’t want to call anyone out by name. All of the athletes work really hard and I respect them all for what they do every day, so for that reason I do not want to single anyone out. My father was an athlete, and I was also an athlete in school so I understand the amount of time and dedication it takes to do what a lot of athletes do. Honestly it is a lot of work and is admirable. I have to say my hat goes off to each and every one of them.

Thank you so much Audrey Hoversten for your great questions. I wish you much love, success and happiness in all your future endeavors!:):):) Also, thank you to all the readers and my amazing fans that are with me on this journey! You all inspire me each and every day! God Bless! :):):)


** DARCY**

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